About Me

Making the familiar strange,
and the strange familiar.

I'm here to inspire people to a deeper faith journey - spiritually, emotionally, physically and intellectually.
And I grow things...

My name is Leigh. I've always appreciated a faith community that welcomed both intellectual integrity and passionate worship. Often theological or spiritual engagement becomes either intellectual exercise or superstitious sentimentality and as someone who wipes too many poopy bums to live only in my head, and cares too much about the world to settle for sentimentality, neither is satisfying.

Since I can remember I've been a thinker, with a dash of the idealistic dreamer and a dollop of the campaigner on the side. Adulting and and mothering can knock the wind out of your idealistc dreamer sails like nothing else can. As much as I delight in wearing my 'mom' hat, I know there are others I'm called to wear, even in the midst of all the madness of 3 kids, a marriage, a bond (Mortgage for the Americans!), and everything that goes with it.

Why 'Two Cent Pearls'?
Well, my plan is that I'll share my 2 cents, and hopefully someone will find some pearls!

So this blog is part of that journey. You get to see my 'mindful musings' inspired by every facet of my life and I get a chance to make something that can't be puked on or pooped on or unpacked or smeared all over with very expensive end-of-range never-to-be-found-again lipstick. On one day you'll get some deep theology, on another some quirky random thoughts about what it means to be human - but every day I'm hoping to inspire people to live more authentic and integrated lives.

You'll also notice that I love trying to find loopholes and trying to prove myself wrong, so please don't be afraid of helping out! If I have helped you find clarity on something, please do let me know! It's always encouraging to know you've made a difference.

Love Always,

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